Countless firefighters from all over America have been promoted to lieutenant, captain, battalion chief, division chief, assistant chief, deputy chief and fire chief using our curriculum! This workshop is unlike any other you will find.
Students will receive our book, Mastering the Fire Service Assessment Center, published by Fire Engineering, which helps them identify strengths and weaknesses, utilize mock exercises, and build a plan for success. Our 9-step program includes 1) elimination of barriers, 2) assessment center orientation 3) the mental paradigm shift from test-taker to officer, 4) knowledge, skills and abilities to be an excellent officer, 5) exercise-specific tools and key points 6) mock exercises, 7) common pitfalls and additional key points, 8) developing your plan/the self-assessment, 9) interviews.
Due to overwhelming demand from our students, we have expanded to add a day to our three-day workshop. This new four-day workshop gives an additional day for hot seat time! Day one is focused on preparing for promotion and developing the requisite knowledge, skills and abilities. In addition, we focus on what assessment centers are, their components, and the best approach (that few people take). Day two, three and four allow students to perform the exercises and grade each other. This class is limited in size, due to the depth of instruction and involvement.
Students will participate in the following assessment center exercises: Promotional interview, in-basket, modified in-basket, oral presentation, oral resume, supervisory exercise, counseling/role-play, and emergency simulations. Students are evaluated by each other and the instructor. By sitting on both sides of the table, students see effective and poor behavior first hand.
The approach to this class is unlike any other, by truly helping the student prepare for both the test and the position. Personal counseling and coaching takes place during the exercises to give the aspiring officers as much potential for success as possible. This is not a canned class! We cater to the dynamic of the group each time.
Don’t miss this in-person workshop that will change the course of your career. The workshop has a retail price of $995.00, but if you sign up today, we’ll throw in the digital online “Mastering the Fire Service Assessment Center” course AND full access to our 100 “sets and reps” fire simulations. Don’t delay – as seats are extremely limited.