Due to high demand nationwide, we have developed a train-the-trainer workshop so your fire department and/or region can have in-house instructors, fully trained and equipped to deliver this national NIMS-compliant command and tactical curriculum for use of ICS in the street to make your operations more safe, effective, efficient and consistent. Don’t let the NIOSH 5 come into alignment on your incidents!
The new 32-hour self-paced online program is a pre-requisite of the train-the-trainer workshop.
The 24-hour train-the-trainer workshop is designed as follows:
- We customize this aspect of your training. This includes previewing your standard operating guidelines, response models, and staffing levels. We also set up conference calls to discuss the plan and curriculum with any other stakeholders/chief officers.

Trainer 8-hour days for 18 students that includes:
- Three days of Hands-On Training and instructor lesson plan implementation including engine pumping, hoseline deployment, smoke, SCBA, radios, search, ventilation and victim profiling and rescue scenarios at your training site
- Proprietary use of all copywritten PowerPoint curriculum and videos that are FIRESCOPE 500 and NIMS/ICS compliant for Licensed use by hosting agency and allied agencies represented
- Electronic copies for each student-instructor of all PowerPoint, videos, and simulations, including instructor notes and student guides
- Digital copies in MS Word of Tactical Worksheets for Structure Fires, Wildland Fires, Hazardous Materials Incidents and Multi-Casualty Incidents
- Software Licensing for each student
- 155 Electronic Simulations for upload including residential, multi-family, apartment, strip mall, commercial, wildland, high rise, active shooter, and hazardous material incidents
- Instructor access for 18 instructors to online video streaming of Fire Engineering Mastering Fireground Command – Calming the Chaos 3-part DVD series AND over 180 other tactical training videos representing the entire Fire Engineering Video Library for one year
- Ability to amend curriculum for in-house videos, incidents and keypoints