Mastering the Fire Assessment Center – Chief Officer

Mastering the Fire Assessment Center – Chief Officer

Join over 20,000 firefighters from all over America and internationally who have been promoted and learned from this program. This interactive online workshop uses the latest LMS (Learning Management System) technology. LMS brings the book to life with videos, exercises, quizzes, homework assignments, interactive drop-downs and lesson after lesson of cutting-edge online learning. Chief Kastros will inspire you to shed your baggage, make the mental paradigm shift from candidate to officer, and perform at your optimum potential.

This online program is self-paced. You can go back and forth in the workshop, repeat sections, and move around as you need. Comes with Mastering the Fire Assessment Center eBook. The estimated time to complete the workshop is 20-24 hours.

We start with how to check your baggage at the door and BE THE OFFICER! You must have a clean and healthy mindset, free from past tests, FD issues, or personal distractions. Understand what an officer is in the 2020’s and how to lead, inspire, and command on the battlefield. This is real life and those are real lives you are leading into battle. Do you want to just take a test as another candidate, or reach your potential and BE THE BEST OFFICER YOU CAN BE? Whether company or chief officer, we have systems for you…

Lessons and Exercises include:

  • Emergency Simulations
    • You will receive an incredibly in-depth and comprehensive series of lessons and videos where Chief Kastros personally takes you through risk assessment/size up, the NIOSH 5, arrival reports, use of ICS, the components of both static and dynamic simulations, and so much more!
    • Learn the proven tactical worksheet system that has helped thousands of firefighters promote from all over America and internationally.
    • Learn how to verbalize your incident action plan, objectives, and track resources.
    • You will participate in and break down simulations for homes, duplexes, fourplexes, apartments, commercial buildings, and mayday scenarios. This includes interactive decision-making, drop-downs, and quizzes.
    • Includes sets and reps of 100 ADDITIONAL simulations in the following categories:
      • Legacy and Modern/Lightweight Homes
      • Multi-Family Dwellings
      • Garden and Center Hall Apartments
      • Mid-Rise and High Rise
      • Taxpayers
      • Commercial
      • Assembly
      • Strip Malls
      • Big Box
      • Hotel/Motel
      • Vegetation Fires
      • HazMat
      • MCI
      • AND – Rapid Size Up and Mayday scenarios!
  • Counseling/Role Play Sessions
    • Conflict is “Human Friction Loss” and as such, you cannot avoid it. It is part of the job. Learn the proven methods for counseling and conflict resolution, including how to establish rapport, get buy-in, and be the boss, even if your employee is a buddy.
    • Get to the root cause of the problem for the long-term solution.
    • Utilize policy and documentation methodology to ensure success.
    • Learn how to implement a Performance Improvement Plan.
  • Crew Meetings
    • How much time have you thought about your first day in the cab of the engine, or driver’s seat of the BC buggy? Your first day sets the first impression.
    • Lead the first meeting with your crew or company officers.
    • Great officers train their people! Conduct training sessions and morning meetings.
  • Oral Presentations
    • Excellent officers represent the FD well and speak well in front of people. Learn the key points of excellent presentations and how to prepare for an on-the-spot delivery of a random topic.
    • As an officer, you must be engaged. Develop a plan and do your homework for any topic that may come at you.
  • Visual Resumes/Qualifications Review Questionnaire
    • “I don’t like to talk about myself” is one of the most common comments we hear from firefighters. Get over it!
    • Deliver a high-impact, memorable visual resume that showcases you as the officer.
    • Get the most out of your years of experience, education, and training.
    • Inspire the assessors, rather than simply survive the process by showing them you are ready for the job right now!
  • In-Baskets
    • Excellent officers are organized. Learn a proven system to quickly organize a myriad of issues and communication media.
    • Utilize time management techniques that maximize your performance.
    • Show the assessors that you can run your firehouse or battalion!
  • Modified In-Baskets
    • You will have countless events that you must manage and people whom you must lead each day. Learn how to navigate your shift while taking care of your people.
    • Go beyond winging it to truly apply the best method to handle events in your day.
  • Promotional Interviews
    • This is the most feared aspect for most people. Not you! You will go into any interview with confidence and a plan to answer ANY question!
    • Develop a comprehensive plan and systematic method to answer questions in a way that transcends conventional interviewing. It has produced countless #1 scores for decades!
    • Reach your potential and say everything you want to say in a professional and inspiring way that makes the assessors get a tingle up their spine!

AND…We have created an enhanced workshop, specially designed for you aspiring chief officers!

  • One of the biggest problems we see is company officers who go into chief’s assessments as company officers, without even realizing it. Don’t walk into a chief assessment as a company officer, unless you want to be back in two years. Walk in as a chief!
  • Get the mental mindset of the tactical and strategic officer.
  • Learn how to lead your company officers instead of being a “Super Captain” who doesn’t get it.
  • Learn how to be an ambassador for the fire chief and an advocate for the troops.

Chief Officer Course

Includes Mastering the Assessment Center eBook.

  • 20+ hours of instruction
  • In-box and modified in-basket exercises specific to chief officers
  • Self-assessment quiz
  • Visual resume exercises
  • Oral presentation exercises
  • Counseling sessions designed for chief officers
  • Promotional Interviews
  • 12 interactive simulation exercises putting you on the fireground as a chief commanding a multi-company response
  • Includes 100 additional simulations in the Fire Sim Lab – Sets and Reps course

Course Content

Module I - Introduction & Orientation
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/1 Steps
Module II - Leadership & Management Dimensions
Module III: Simulations
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/1 Steps
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/1 Steps
Lesson Content
0% Complete 0/1 Steps

Mastering the Fire Assessment Center – Chief Officer

$499.00 per student

12 month access.

With a fire department?

For fire department bulk pricing, please contact us below.