The Officer Academy is a rigorous extension of the Mastering the Assessment Center Workshop. Our academy consists of only 2-6 people, allowing students plenty of time to be in the hot seat and receive more individualized instruction and feedback. The exercises and simulations are customized to fit each student’s specific department, which provides a greater opportunity for realistic and relevant assessments. The academy can be one day, or as many days as the group feels are necessary. Students have said that it was well worth their investment, and better prepared them for the upcoming test and promotion.
We study your department and create agency-specific exercises including written essays and reports, in-baskets, modified in-baskets, oral presentations, supervisory exercises, counseling/role-plays, and emergency simulations. You will receive intense coaching and instruction that focuses on your individual strengths and weaknesses. Feedback is constant. Students and the instructor assess, and each student leaves with a video of his/her performance. This academy is totally custom made for each group!
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©2011 - 2020 Firefighter Inspiration Readiness & Education, LLC., All rights reserved.
Produced in association with The Safe Community Project